Dear Esteemed Members of the St Joseph’s Secondary School Alumnae Association California, friends,
and supporters:
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our website. We hope that you will find it quite interesting
and informative, and you get a feel of our ethos and vision
Kadi Turay-Mushonga
President -St Joseph’s Secondary School Alumnae Association California (SJSSAACA)
May 28, 2023, Annual Thanksgiving Celebrations
School Song
The Convent,
The Convent
How stately and content,
The bells through its ringing,
Is calling to me.
When all through its classes
Its pupils work for passes
The Convent, the Convent
My praise is for thee.
The pen of my school days
Is ever before me,
Fond memories waken
That cause me to mourn.
The Convent, The Convent
We'll shout with one consent,
The Convent, The Convent
With never a drone.